What we do

Climate Change and Natural Resource Conservation

In order to actively ensure the reduction of the impact of climate change in the environment, we design and implement programs that focus on protecting our depleting natural resources. Some of these programs include;

  1. Tree planting
  2. Forest conservation
  3. Rivers and coastal area protection
  4. Bio Energy in our communities


Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS)

CLT is an approach in which people in the rural communities are facilitated to do their own appraisal and analysis on the sanitation situation, come to their own conclusion and take their own actions. Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) is the most effective means for reducing chronic and absolute poverty and also in reducing intergenerational income inequalities.The policies and programmes for CLTS centers on better sanitation, clean environment, ODF (Open-Defecation-Free), good/safe drinking water, mother and child care, etc and all these have direct positive and negative impact on health and wellbeing of the people. Community Led Total Sanitation creates a sustainable development scope that is geared towards curbing future occurrences in places where there is sudden population increase.


Primary Environmental Care (PEC) and Public Health Awareness

Environmental education (E.E) when properly understood constitutes a comprehensive lifelong education, one responsive to changes in a rapidly changing world. It should prepare the individual for life through an understanding of the major problems of the contemporary world and the provision of skills and attributes needed to play a productive role towards improving life and protecting the environment with regard to ethical values (UNESCO, 1977).


Sustainable Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Development 

We specialize in creating Sustainable enterprises which employs profitable strategies that approach social and environmental challenges as business opportunities. The success of every sustainable enterprise is measured in terms of a triple bottom line.

  1. Financial Profitability
  2. Ecological integrity
  3. Social Equity


Community Consultation, Dialoguing and Development Planning (CDP) for Sustainable Development 

Community development and situation analysis is a core pillar in achieving the MDG’s, building peace and harmony, conserving the environment and natural resources for the rural communities. To achieve the goal of a localized accepted vision, the community does not only support the vision, but takes an active role in defining it. This also leads to the individuals creating an enabling environment to empower themselves through investment in infrastructure and socio-economic development.



Since its inception, African Centre for Environmental Protection has facilitated the implementation of the several community-led development projects and programmes in some communities in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria and recently Niger State in the Northern part of Nigeria.

The table below highlights some of our achievements:

S/n Project Funder
1 Community Development Planning and NEEDS Framework documentation in Ogu-Bolo community, Rivers State Rivers state Sustainable Development Agency (RSSDA)
2 Primary Environmental awareness raising programme for 18 secondary schools in Rivers State. Rivers state Sustainable Development Agency (RSSDA)
3 Natural Resource Conservation-Tree planting scheme in Schools in Egi Community TEPNG
4 Riv-Green awareness campaign Project on PEC and set up Riv-Green clubs in 46 secondary schools across Rivers State Rivers State Ministry of Environment
5 Primary Environmental Care (PEC)/Resource Conservation in secondary schools in Egi Land.Establishment and monitoring of Conservation Clubs TEPNG
6 Community Led Total Sanitation,awareness raising and training on proper waste Management TEPNG
7 Environmental Competitions: ACEP anchored the Annual EnvironmentalProgram Moni- Pulo Nigerian Oil Company
8  Awareness raising on water supply and sanitation. Rivers State Ministry of Water Resources
9 World Environment Day (WED) Celebration Conservation club set up/monitoring in schools in Rivers State. Rivers State Waste Management Authority (RIWAMA), Rivers State Ministry of Education, HeRock Nigeria Limited
10 Promoting Health State – Citizen Relations in Africa. SFCG, USAID